Home Gym Design – Transportation – Setup

One of the most challenging aspects of achieving fitness goals is deciding on which location to perform your workouts. Having a home gym is certainly without a doubt the most convenient option. But this convenience does not guarantee success.

My focus with this service is to maximize your chances of success, reduce your cost and wasted space taken up by unused equipment options that don’t meet your needs and bring you the best equipment options that can expand as your needs and interests grow during your health and fitness journey.

Disclosure: I don’t sell equipment directly. I do provide links for certain equipment options. My focus is to provide my nearly three decades of experience in the fitness industry helping you make the most educated choices to determine which exercise equipment options are the best for your specific needs.

Complimentary Consultation

I start each home gym design inquiry with a complimentary consultation. I want to ensure your chances of success with use of your exercise equipment for your needs. There are many more people that have success going to a gym or other program over having an amazing home gym. The most common reason for this is when a person goes to a different location, they often feel obligated to stick it out through a full workout since they made it to the location. On the contrary, others may feel overwhelmed by having to make one more trip out and if they had the equipment in a convenient location, these people will be more likely to get their workout in if they can just get to the equipment quickly.

My job in this case is to determine which option will set you up for success prior to discussing the actual equipment that will work in your space for your needs.

Equipment Selection

I’m a big fan of exercise equipment that is versatile, functional and expandable. However, my focus is on determining what your needs and wants are for equipment based on your health and fitness goals, available space, budget, and the type of exercises that your enjoy.

In determining which equipment is right for your needs, I cover what is best to purchase new, where to get the better quality equipment, and which equipment is the best value by purchasing used.

Transportation – Delivery and Setup

Often, when purchasing new equipment, there will already be delivery and setup options available for you. However, when purchasing used or when these options are not available or satisfactory for you, I offer to provide delivery and/or setup services on a case by case basis.

If you need delivery and/or setup services of exercise equipment, contact me for a quote. Email, call or text me and ask for Aaron.

Call or text: (916)293-1830 and ask for Aaron


The pricing for home gym design can be found in the shop selection in the main menu or by clicking here: